Welcome back for Term 4. I hope you had a lovely break and are ready for a busy term 4. We kick off our fun activities for the term this Thursday 9th October with our 2nd and final disco for the year. Please make sure you have booked by visiting the website here. We will close off online registration on Wednesday afternoon. The year 6 kids will be selling glow items before both discos so please bring your coins along on the night to help them raise funds for their gift to the school.
Our K-2 Mini Athletics Carnival has also been set for Thursday this coming week – notes came home at the end of last term so please speak with your teacher if you are unsure about plans for the day.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the Fun Run on our final day of term 3. It is now time to return your money via the silver box in the foyer. Money needs to be returned by FRIDAY 10TH OCTOBER – once all money is in we will award the highest fundraiser with the cinema tickets.
Orders for our popular Calendars, Mouse Pads, iPhone covers and diaries close on Wednesday 15th October to please get your orders in now – the link is below. Please email Angela Uther if you have any questions about your order.
Please follow this link to order your
Please follow this link to register and pay for