P&C Meeting Tuesday Evening
Lots of happy kids attended our first disco for the year on Thursday evening last week! A big thank you to Helen and her kindy team and Jo and her year 3 team for co-ordinating the evening. Thanks also to our wonderful teachers who stayed around to supervise – Miss Ruppin, Mr Moses, Mr Alexander and Mrs Cope. We will hold our next disco in term 4.
Our next P&C fundraiser for the kids will be Sushi Day on Wednesday 2nd April. A note will be home later in the week with all the details.
Harmony Day is also fast approaching and a note will be home this week from school about this event which is being co-ordinated by the Student Representative Council (SRC) and will be held on Tuesday 18th March.
A great night was had by all on Saturday at the Year 3 Cocktail party – thanks to everyone who came and partied! The Year 1 Party is being held next Saturday and final bookings are now being taken via the P&C website here.
Our 2nd P&C meeting for the year is this Tuesday night in the main staff room from 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome! Thank you to everyone who made payments over the past week of their P&C fees. We have extended the deadline for payments until Monday 17th March to allow those who need a little extra time to make their contribution. You can visit the website here to pay online using credit card or send your form to the school office any day this week for us to collect and process.
Sending best of luck to all our swimmers who are off to the zone carnival on Tuesday – Go Team!