Author Archives: Leanne Ambrogio

Save the Date – CCPS Masquerade Party

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Term 1 Week 11

Last Week of Term We have a busy last week of term before a well earn break for everyone!  This week sees our first A Day Assembly for the year on Tuesday morning at 9.45am in the hall – everyone … Continue reading

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Term 1 Week 10

Last Chance for Sushi Day Orders Sushi Day is on this coming Wednesday during lunchtime and we need all orders finalised by Monday afternoon so we can place our order with the supplier.  Please visit the Sushi Day page of the website to … Continue reading

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Year 6 DVD Filming

A reminder to all year 6 parents that the next DVD filming is on Sunday 6th April from 10am -11am. Please drop off at the infants gate. Wear school uniform – no hat required.  New polos can be worn. Remind … Continue reading

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Fundraiser for Pepi Docker

For those who attended KU The Chase Pre School over the past few years you will all remember Pepi Docker, the pre-school director.  Pepi sadly has suffered some serious medical problems and a fundraiser is being held to help raise … Continue reading

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