Afternoon Tea Stall
Each term we hold two afternoon tea stalls as a P&C Fundraisers.
These events are held on a Friday afternoon straight after school and are co-ordinated by allocated class co-ordinators as per a roster system.
There is a selection of cakes, slices, fruit, snacks, chips, popcorn, jelly and drinks on sale for everyone to purchase.
2014 Term 1 Afternoon Tea Stalls will be held on:-
Friday 14th February – co-ordinated by the senior classes
Friday 14th March
The P&C holds 2 discos during the school year. The first is in term 1 and the second is in term 4. Parents are rostered on to help supervise and co-ordinate the evening. Pizza and drinks are provided for all children in attendance.
2014 Disco dates are:-
Thursday 6th March
Thursday 6th November
Sushi Day
Sushi Day is held once a term throughout the year.
Enjoy a day off from making lunches and support the P&C fundraising efforts.
Cheese and Bacon rolls are also on offer for those who don’t want sushi.
Sushi Days in 2014
Wednesday 2nd April – TBC