We are seeking volunteers to fill these open positions. If you’d like more information please contact one of the executive members or the P&C secretary (Anna) on ccpspandcsecretary@gmail.com.
Band Tutor Co-ordinator
This role is to assist in the organisation of tutors for the various band camps and those tutor teaching on the school premises etc.
Contact ccpsbands@gmail.com
P&C Website Developer
Our P&C website is in desperate need of an complete redesign. It has been becoming increasingly unstable and we want to increase its functionality. We are seeking a volunteer website developer to assist in the upgrade – preferably to using WordPress and the Divi theme. You will be working with an enthusiastic team excited to make the website more user friendly, secure and functional.
It will also help our social and fundraising efforts! Please contact Jodi on ccpspnc.analytics@gmail.com
Grants Coordinator
From time to time we come across opportunities for funding grants. In this role you will work with the Principal, P&C Executive committee and sub-committees to complete grant applications. This is not as much work as you might expect and you will be well supported by the Executive committee.
Yearbook coordinator (assistant in 2019 moving to coordinator in 2020)
Organise and collate the CCPS yearbook, a wonderful and priceless summary of the year at CCPS. Each year this initiative raises over $1000.
Currently Kellie Munn is the yearbook coordinator but will be stepping down from this role as her children finish up at CCPS. Currently Kellie uses Adobe Indesign.