Last Week of Term
We have a busy last week of term before a well earn break for everyone! This week sees our first A Day Assembly for the year on Tuesday morning at 9.45am in the hall – everyone is welcome to attend. We also have an excursion for the year 1 children, the easter hat parade for K-2, which includes the first band performance by this years training band and finally on Friday morning is the cross country for children who are 8 years or older – we are hoping for a good weather week for all of these fun events.
Thank you to everyone who participated in Sushi Day last Wednesday. We were successful in raising $1,200.00 that will go towards the many wonderful projects the P&C is funding this year. Many thanks to my team of mums and dads who came along on Wednesday to help distribute the sushi.
Receipts for any P&C fee payments made to date are being sent out this week so please keep a look out for the note in your child’s bag. Our growing fundraising total for 2014 can be found on the homepage of the website – this total includes all monies raised via fee contributions and in school fundraising events!
It is now time to SAVE THE DATE for our major social and fundraising event for the year on SATURDAY 24TH MAY – the CCPS Masquerade Party. Once again we will have the amazing band “Big Toy” entertaining us for an evening of dancing and socialising. Invitations with all the details will be emailed soon! The P&C have decided to move our Spring Fair to being a bi-annual event with our next fair being scheduled for September 2015, making the Masquerade Party our MAJOR EVENT for 2014! We hope you will join us for this night of fun to show your support!
A final reminder also to make a regular check on the Communication Page of the Website where we list year specific info that you may be interested in.
Have a fantastic school holiday break and we look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Tuesday 29th April.