Cross Country & Afternoon Tea Stall
We hope the weather stays clear for our school cross country this Wednesday morning. All children from years 2-6 will be participating in the event with only children over 8 years eligible to go forward to the zone carnival in June. Parents are welcome to come along and watch. Best of luck everyone.
Congratulations to the team who co-ordinated last weeks band camp. The kids all had an amazing time and have come back sounding just incredible. We look forward to seeing all bands perform in a few weeks time at their first competition for the year.
You should have received your invitation to the annual social night last week. Please keep your bookings coming as the night promises to be a great one. Please visit the website here to book your tickets. For further information please contact Clare Dunstan.
We will hold first afternoon tea stall for the term on Friday 9th May from 3.25pm. The parents from KC, 1J & 1H will be baking and providing delicious treats for everyone to enjoy in the playground after school. Please bring your coins and enjoy this fun event after school.
Sending all the mums a very happy mothers day for next Sunday.