Final Week of Term 2
The year 6 kids are all set to make Tuesday this week a fun day with their end of term fundraiser and mufti day. All children are invited to come dressed as their favourite movie or TV star (please remember closed shoes must still be worn). They will be holding a delicious cake and treat stall at RECESS so please just pack lunch on Tuesday and bring some gold coins to purchase morning tea. All funds raised will go towards their gift to the school.
Wednesday morning, beginning at 9.45am is A-Day Assembly where teachers will be rewarding students for excellence in Creativity. We look forward to welcoming parents along to this special assembly.
Thank you to those parents who made contact after last weeks email about our positions vacant. We are still looking for someone to take on the noticeboards within the school – Jenny Bezuidenhout who currently looks after this job is finishing up at the end of term and we do need someone to keep on top of notices that go on these boards. If you are interested please email me for more info.
Kate Westoby is looking for help in the library with covering of books. If you have some time to help with this job please email her direct by clicking here.
We are still looking for a few more families to join the roster for the large sign board on the corner of Holly and Kendall Rd that is changed weekly. The two families who look after this job would love a few more helpers to join in to lighten the load. If you are able to help could you contact Julie Greening via email (click here).
Term 3 kicks off on Tuesday 15th July and we already have a number of events planned. For children 8 years and older the Athletics Carnival will be held in week 3 of the term on Thursday 31st July. Other events for term 3 include a sushi day, kindy information evening for 2015 starters, Science Under the Stars, our Annual Fun Run and the Pedlars Parade. Details for all events will be out at the beginning of the term.
We also redistribute our class lists at the start of term 3 so if you have any changes to your details that are listed on the current form please let your class co-ordinator know in the coming weeks so we can begin logging the updates. I would like to also take this opportunity to send my thanks to Jenny Bezuidenhout who has looked after the class lists for the past 2 years. Jenny has done an amazing job keeping on top of everyones details so our lists are constantly up to date. Jenny and her family are now moving out of the area so will be leaving us in the coming weeks – we wish her and the family well as they settle into their new home. Rebecca Buckton is taking on the role for the time being – thanks Reb!
Have a fantastic break everyone and I look forward to seeing everyone refreshed and ready for term 3.